Monday, May 10, 2010

Coffee Gallery with Jim "Kimo" West

Had a great time playing with Kimo last night at the Coffee Gallery in Altadena. I opened up with a few ukulele solos in the first set then rhythm uke with Kimo in the second set. Aya got up to dance a few numbers which really put a lot of smiles on the faces in the audience - I personally like it when people dance hula in "street clothes", same for flamenco. Seems more fun and natural than a costume. Kapo Ku sang a few songs too and even Diana, Kimo's wife, got up to sing Amy Hanaiali'i's Palehua.

It was definitely nice to find a lot of audience members who had been to, or know of, the Southern California Slack Key Festival as they yelled out the answers to "What's the Hawaiian word for slack key", "What's the most common slack key tuning", and "Where and what month is the annual Festival held?" to which the correct answer-giver was awarded a 2010 t-shirt.

Hope to see you back at the Coffee Gallery this coming Saturday the 15th for Kamaka Brown's pidgin English storytelling with me playing slack key and ukulele backdrop music for his stories.

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