Sunday, March 7, 2010

2010 Los Angeles Flamenco Festival

2010 Los Angeles Flamenco Festival
I feel good about this event!

I'm grateful for the opportunity to put together this first annual event that will bring together some of the best flamenco artists from across the U.S. and Los Angeles. It's the intention of the Festival to create awareness of the wealth of talent we have right here in our own backyard and to present an authentic program celebrating one of the world’s richest musical legacies. It's going to be a great couple of shows!

Here's the thing: when the Festival is over, people need to know that there are lots of opportunities to enjoy live flamenco all over the city and throughout Southern California - dinner shows like at Alegria, El Cid and Tapas and regular theatrical presentations like the Fountain Theatre. I hope people will leave the Festival anxious to sign up for a flamenco dance or guitar class and to know that whether they live in Santa Monica, Orange County, Sherman Oaks or Covina, there is someone there who can teach them. They should know about online resources like Flamenco World, Jose Tanaka's online lessons and Beth Nesbitt's email list, as well as fascinating and informative books by Paco Sevilla. They can visit La Espanola Meats in Harbor City for their specially imported foodstuffs and try their hand at tapas and paella cooking classes taught by my friend Annette at the South Bay School of Cooking.

At the end of the day, this sense of community is the spirit behind the Festival and I'm counting on your support to help make this first year a success, the first of many more to come. There are so many dedicated individuals who've worked so hard over the years to bring flamenco to the greater public who deserve proper respect and recognition. I hope to get to all of them eventually.

Please help spread word about the Festival to all your friends, work colleagues, fans, and students.

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